The Show
Did you know that the sound of Magic Platters is a happening kind of music?
Do you think of The Platters, as slow numbers, then still more slow numbers? Are they only good for catching your breath between disco dancing or rock 'n roll numbers?
Is it the ideal romance music when Twilight Time (one of their biggest hits) is played in dimmed light, with the projectors turned down respectfully low?
Well you are wrong!
The Magic Platters Show, isn't two hours of slow numbers one after the other running from Only You, to My Prayer, and squeezing in The Great Pretender.
On the contrary: With This Ring (a treat for the Belgian Oldies Popcorn amateurs) or the famous What’d I Say, you will be itching to get up and dance.
Yes, it's certainly a happening vibe, and the audience, having already cheered them on, will find themselves in applause over and again. “we didn't expect such uptempo songs, we were expecting to hear more slow numbers.” A few enthusiastic comments gathered during the dates which our Magic Platters have offered around the world over the years.
Magic Platters: Look out, it's a brilliant show and a really lively vibe!

Le Spectacle
Vous savez que ça bouge, les Magic Platters?
Les Platters, c’est des slows, encore des slows? C’est juste bon pour reprendre son souffle entre deux séquences disco ou r’n’roll?
C’est idéal pour draguer durant la Twilight Time (un de leurs grands tubes) dans la semi obscurité, quand les projos se font discrets et jouent la pudeur?
Vous avez tout faux!
Le show des Magic Platters, c’est pas deux heures de slows qui s’enchaînent, de Only You à My Prayer en passant par The Great Pretender.
Au contraire: With this ring (un régal pour les amateurs d’Oldies Popcorn) ou le célébrissime What’d I say vous donneront des fourmis dans les jambes.
Oui, ça balance pas mal et le public qui a déjà eu l’occasion de les applaudir en est encore tout retourné. “C’est dynamique, on a dansé comme des fous, on ne s’attendait pas à des chansons aussi rythmées, on s’attendait à entendre plus de slows”.
Quelques remarques enthousiastes glanées au fil des dates que nos Magic Platters ont données dans le monde depuis toutes ces années.
Magic Platters: Attention, c’est show et ça bouge bien!
- Live with band
From 4 to 9 musicians on stage.
Between 45 to 90 minutes in one act Or 2 acts of 45 minutes
- Christmas Tour
Live show with band with the Platters Songs and some famous Christmas hits.
From 4 to 9 musicians on stage.